Kinsmen Lake 2024
Interpretive Centre
Day Camp
Canada Day
School Zone
Walking Trails
Exhibits & Performances
U22 Men's Nationals 2023
Things to Do - School Zone - Programs
Hi, I’m Mr. Kiln!
Suitable for:Preschool – Grade 2
This program explores the changes heat causes in matter. Model ovens are used to demonstrate how heat changes cake batter to cake, clay to pottery, and limestone to lime powder. Outside, students get a closer look at the giant limestone kilns that were used to make lime powder in the quarry.
Quarry History: A Trail through Time
Suitable for: Grades 2 – 3
What is a community? Travel back through time, investigating seven different communities that have existed in this area. We begin with sea creatures 450 million years ago and finish with today’s bedroom community. The outdoor tour looks for evidence of each community presented in the program.
Fossils: Stories Written in Stone
Suitable for: Grade 4 –6
Using a variety of activities we explore the rock cycle and the wondrous world of fossils. Outside we look at fossils found in the quarry.
Limestone Formation
Suitable for:Grades 7 – 8
Looking for a new way to cover the rock cycle? We have the answer! This program takes an in-depth look at the formation of sedimentary rock. The highlight of the program is a spirited game of Win, Lose, or Draw.
Snow Creatures
Suitable for: Kindergarten – Grade 2
We look at the special ways that plants and animals adapt to the cold Manitoba winter. Explore the park to uncover the secrets underneath the blanket of snow.
Survival In the Snow
Suitable for:Grades 3 and up
Don’t hibernate this winter! Learn how to safely enjoy the cold. Discover the 6 steps to survival and learn how to build a quinzhee.